Yes. That’s why I didn’t go that route. I figured if I wasn’t going to use the aluminum knuckles, there was no point. The knuckles are the only part that is 100% unsprung weight, I don’t know the math but since the control arms are attached to the frame and the shock, the weight reduction of the lower arm wouldn’t be the full weight savings but partial. I didn’t feel it was worth it unless I raised the truck back to stock height and did the aluminum knuckle.
I did the OEM aluminum arms for the 900 body style with the correct smaller ball joints and left all the other pieces I already had. The aluminum/stamped steel upper arms don’t weigh much different than the iron uppers either. Then I also got new wheels that are lighter and replaced the front shocks with new OEM since they were still original. I feel like it made a pretty significant difference but we haven’t taken any trips yet.
I was mostly interested in the aluminum arms so it's one less steel part to rust long term. Not that there's a huge amount of issue with that but also so it comes with brand new bushings and ball joints already installed. Just makes sense for my needs to do the whole setup. Just wish there were aluminum drop spindles available.