Haha. I was going to add four more subs and another 5000W amp, but ended up splitting the roof with a 6" crack. This thing tore the truck up; broke the rear wiper mount twice, cracked the mounting plates to the liftgate hinges, sheared off one of the liftgate strut's mounting bolt, and broke the hinges to the rear side windows three times. In the Dec '03 issue of Ford Truck World magazine, it shows a pic of where the metal started cracking around both of the liftgate hinges (the truck was featured in a 3pg article).Dayum JK, i think you needed more subs in the expedition
And I couldn't drive the truck with the system playing hard cuz the engine would stumble from the knock sensors retarding the timing everytime the bass would hit a certain frequency.
So anyway, after I noticed the crack in the roof, I pulled everything out and sold the truck.