They have a spring on them that keeps tension... I've went through NO LESS than 5 door handles, apparently I don't know my own strength - and I break the darn "metal" of the handle off, right where the arm reaches the actual part you grab with your hand. Anyway, it's simple as hell - Youtube videos all over the place.
What you have to do, is first unscrew the two screws holding the "arm rest" type thing in place, then pop off the small triangle piece right where the mirror comes in the door. Then, go to the bottom of the door and start popping off the clips that hold the interior on.
Go from the bottom up, and at the top, the interior hangs on the door, lift up on the interior, and it should come off. Be careful of speaker wire/other switch connections. I have learned to do it on my own, but it's very easy with two people - one person holds the interior while the other fishes around inside ensuring you're not ripping any wires out.
You'll see right away what's going on. My suspicion would be that the crappy plastic 'clip' that holds the end of the metal linkage rod in place has cracked, causing it to pop out whenever it feels like making you look like you're on the Dukes of Hazzard.... ;c)
It's easy as hell, takes about 20 minutes your first time, and about 5 the next 5 times... I bought the interior clip popping device once, now I can pretty much do it with anything I have my hands on, i.e. a screw driver, hell, I think I did it with a butter knife last time..