I believe the 3.0 is currently the most reliable. But, consider this:
I ended up investigating my own 6.2 anxiety last week.
Even found a 23 Ultimate with the duramax and considered trading
Then I asked my dealer. They said they sell 8-900 6.2’s per year. Service manager said they did 7-8 engines last year.
Shared that with the Ford dealer in town, as I also investigated the Expedition.
Ford’s service guy said “8 engines a year, we do at least that…”
Net, while the 6.2 issues are widely reported and do happen; there are a LOT of people with 6.2’s who are happily driving with no issues. Time will tell, but my guess is GM already knows why, they also know the failure rate, and as of now have not recalled anything. That tells me the problem is sub 1%. But, they do fail, and likely at a higher rate than they have in the past.
They do sell many of them a year, and 1% would be a huge number.
You will get a lot of opinions on here. Me mine is as follows, from most to least reliable:
3.0 L Duramax
5.3 L Gas
6.2 L Gas
From an economics perspective, my opinion of long term cost of ownership, from least to most:
5.3 L gas
3.0 L diesel
6.2 L gas
The latter based on increased costs for oil changes, fuel, etc. Really need to use premium gas in the 6.2. Oil and filter changes more in the last two due to higher oil volume.
For drive-ability and smile factor:
Life is full of compromises.