So the virtual ethanol sensor settled at 17% again, on gas I know for a fact was 5% Ethanol. At a minimum, I know it is not getting the calculation right. What is causing it is still a little up in the air.
My guess now is maybe something that the sensor logic uses is not performing properly, next step is to try and determine if the evap system has a problem. Additionally, I am starting to get the feeling that maybe these things are not all that accurate in the first place and when anything is even a little off, the errors can get quite large.
Along with looking at the evap system, I am going to do a few more tests, going back to 0% ethanol at my next fill up, resetting the percentage and then on the subsequent fill up, again use 0% and make sure it stays at the 3% baseline the Tech 2 reset it to.
I am going to try really hard to not let this thing bug me, if I can’t fix it. It isn’t all that much work to verify the Ethanol content and if low enough, reset it with the Tech 2.
My guess now is maybe something that the sensor logic uses is not performing properly, next step is to try and determine if the evap system has a problem. Additionally, I am starting to get the feeling that maybe these things are not all that accurate in the first place and when anything is even a little off, the errors can get quite large.
Along with looking at the evap system, I am going to do a few more tests, going back to 0% ethanol at my next fill up, resetting the percentage and then on the subsequent fill up, again use 0% and make sure it stays at the 3% baseline the Tech 2 reset it to.
I am going to try really hard to not let this thing bug me, if I can’t fix it. It isn’t all that much work to verify the Ethanol content and if low enough, reset it with the Tech 2.
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