I'll just vent my anger in my build thread about the door ding that removed paint on my passenger rear door this morning.
Thankfully the wife let me rant. I'm better, but still pissed so I came into TYF to lay it down because nobody else understands these little things will set you off.
I topped up her tank with 89 as the light was on. Why must women run the tank to the minimum? The truck does not like to fuel up when it runs so low. Then I get home to see something leaned up against the Tahoe. It was a lacrosse stick for practice that another mom put there so it was out of sight, as her daughter was coming home with us today.
The wife almost got the rant again, by saying to me, "People don't think like you do." I brought the groceries in, muttering to myself with some @#$% words, hugged her and went to work. I actually kept my mouth shut wisely. lol
Thx for listening. Back to your regularly scheduled truck projects. At least it is 75F and clear today. Maybe I'll wash the trucks after practice, just because...