So I got up early to wash the Buick in the dark before the school/work run and I see these scratches that were not there before I was away for work. With the wife and both kids driving the Buick, it is hard to keep track of who is/has/will do what/when to the zippy ride. Well the next day, in the afternoon with the setting sun shining on the paint, I see a few more scuffs starting on that passenger side on the lower front fender and the lower gloss black passenger rocker and lower rear rocker too to go along with the scratch and dent on/just behind the gas cap. Hmm...looks like a bit more of a hit than what she let on once she decided to tell me.
So I enquire and the story finally develops from my daughter and a picture is produced with a mailbox from her friend's house that she backed out of their driveway and not only knocked it over, but dragged it out of the ground. She keeps telling me the story and me not getting mad but I said, "What the f?"?
She proceeded to tell me that she was mortified about knocking over their mailbox and wanted to make sure it was ok. Her friend's dad had already put it back in place and said no worries. Notice the direction of care? The fkn mailbox, but not the fact that she raked some scratches and a dent down the side of my other vehicle! lol I did not rip her a new one, but kind of laughed and said a few choice words and advised that I should have been #1, not the mailbox.
Anyways, up early today, even with the time change and I was just going to polish out the marks, which turned into a full cut, polish and window treatment, vacuum and leather wipe down. (They just cannot help themselves in leaving the Buick a mess when I am not around and they have zero interest in making the effort either....ugghhh...thankfully I enjoy it, but sheesh at least take your trash and shake the sand outta the floor mats puuullease!!).