Hey all,
I just noticed a few days ago that my vehicle (23 Yukon Ultimate)now shows up on the GMC Inventory list and shows in transit to my dealer. Has anybody had any experience of time to dealer after it shows up on the GMC website? Or is this still a crap shoot and it will arrive whenever it gets there. Was hoping it would arrive before the end of the month since they are still offering 0% interest on the Yukons,
I just noticed a few days ago that my vehicle (23 Yukon Ultimate)now shows up on the GMC Inventory list and shows in transit to my dealer. Has anybody had any experience of time to dealer after it shows up on the GMC website? Or is this still a crap shoot and it will arrive whenever it gets there. Was hoping it would arrive before the end of the month since they are still offering 0% interest on the Yukons,