It took me a while to get up the nerve to tackle this, but it ended up being really easy. That piece is relatively flexible, and just requires a finger wedged under the side while you also push a little toward the middle of it, and you’ll free up the clips pretty readily.
You’ll start with your hands on both sides of it, and be freeing up the end farthest from the headliner first. Then it comes away from the headliner. With your hands on either side of it, and by flexing a side inward (and allowing for a bit of “side to side” motion of the piece) to get your finger behind it, you’ll free up the piece easily. As I recall, the piece essentially seats “around the sides” of retainers as opposed to having male clips press straight into female openings— so, you don’t want to get in there and just pry away from the windshield toward you. You want to essentially free up the sides with a little side-to-side flexing/motivation.
Once the main piece is dislodged, you’ll tilt your mirror stem down and tilt the plastic shroud down so that you can see into the inside and be able to locate the tabs that the small center section piece uses. Those tabs are small and delicate, but it really is easy to push the tabs out of the way to unclip that piece. Once that’s out, you can pull the larger piece off altogether.