someone, probably a kid or something, because they didn't break the window on my tahoe, they hit it with a chunk of concrete and it just scratched the window, and they put a dent in the door with it too...back in January, I said **** that, and got a Clifford alarm that day. Since then, I'm sure it has saved me at least once, a couple months ago at a flea market. my remote chirped like someone had bumped it, I honestly thought my kid who I was holding hit a button on the remote with his foot, so I didn't think anything of it. When we left, my buddy who went also, found HIS yukon broken into. So I think they bumped mine to test for an alarm first. Of course then yesterday I saw that my front license plate is missing, and I doubt it just fell off....That pisses me off, they know I have an alarm so they **** with other shit.
One question, just curious, when they pop that lock cylinder what are they doing to open the door? cuz my buddy's door we still couldn't simply pull the handle and open it.