6" spring.............. = driver : 32 13/16 ... pass : 32 8/16........ 5/16 diff
cut 1/2 coil
(driver only)......... = driver : 32 11/16 ... pass : 32 5/16......... 8/16 diff
add 2 isolators
(pass. only).......... = driver : 32 14/16 ... pass : 32 10/16........4/16 diff
Again, I need to get to 32" rear. Hoping to get level side/side, then match cuts. Shouldn't be this difficult.
I guess, cut more from driver side, just don't want to end up cutting too much for nothing.
I backed off hardware for upper/lower trailing arms also, and then loaded(jacked) drivers side and re-torqued = 1/16" only difference. Didn't expect much there, but running out of ideas.