I went the way of the wrestler... using a DeWalt DCF899 Cordless Impact Wrench - with really Monster Torque, and a can of PB Blaster per side, I unfroze the four really nasty Anchor Bolts in 2 hours total work time.
Never having done any of this before, I went to a Youtube University video:
, on how to do it, and another video on best way to break free rusted bolts using the blast/tap w/hammer then forward/reverse method. It was flawless. At 211k heavily New England salted miles, these were not going to budge. When I finally did get them loose, the middle's were still rust frozen stubbornly clinging. Eventually, forward/back worked with that impact gun and I was able to quickly hammer them out the final way with a chisel. [I had tried a torch on a previous truck, but the shop was unable to free the two they tried, hence me doing it this way.]
I have to really stress just how rusted everything was. Rockauto's Dorman 13512 Anchor Bolts went in coated in anti-seize. Torque is 140 ft lbs on that nut, so it won't loosen on its own. BUT when I went to the shop for a four wheel alignment, the techs were gushing over just how easy it was to loosen these for adjustment ( I'd also replaced the tie rods in same job [with new Moog]).
I was able to clean up the existing cams to reinstall, but one of the tabs needed a spot weld.
I also replaced the control arms with Moog parts.
The original factory plastic plugs were firmly in place, so I'm guessing adjustment had never been done on this truck. ( I bought it at 205k miles - one owner).
It's a really great feeling to have done this myself and work with the shop on the alignment. No more mechanics taking advantage of me...
A couple of before and after pics attached.