Update 5/28/14:
Installed the mcgaughy's spring relocators tonight. Took me quite a long time...
But came out great! I got about 1.5" of
Drop with both spacers in. So it seems to get a little more drop than advertised.
Before After
Front 36 1/2 35
Rear 38 36
I have a few tips for this install as well:
- don't do this without an impact wrench or at very least a 2 foot torque wrench or similar if you want an upper body workout too. I spent way too long cranking on spring compressors!!! (I suggest you youtube strut replacement before doing this as well)
- I used these spring compressors from amazon because they were cheap with decent reviews ($36 bucks from amazon warehouse deals). They handled the heavy duty springs without a problem. But... See above about impact wrench.
Advanced Tool Design Model ATD-3054 MacPherson Strut Spring Hook Compressor by Advanced Tool Design
- make sure you have several socket extensions totaling about 18". This makes it way easier to remove the 3 bolts on the top strut mounts. I found a few worked better than one long one because that gives it some flexibility to get around stuff.
- I cut down the bump stops to the 2nd notch... Removing about an inch and a half. I was worried about a worse ride if it was riding on the bumpstops often... I didn't have instructions so I have no idea what the kit tells you to do.
- pay attention to the way the strut is lined up and assembled before tearing it apart. I used blue painters tape to help remember how everything lined up.
Here is a picture of one modified strut and one pre modification:
Before (about 7" from perch to mount)
After (about 6" from perch to mount)
You can see that you could remove the 2 spacers and get about 2.5" of drop with this kit... Seems you would be riding on a really short amount of shock travel. I am happy I went with both spacers in.
Late night shots of the final product: