alright guys time for some updates again. got some big projects done, and a few little things to go on them. but is going well!.
ok so the short version is that we are upgrading power to my barn, for several reasons. many are just that i want to be able to have a better air compressor, and run a welder and such, but also i need 50a rv service, so i can run the full camper. as her mom is supposed to live in it for several months at minimum till we get her new place built ( after her current place is sold) but so we can power things up on our own also. sooooo
for those that dont know, we are simply running big *** wire to power everything correctly. for those that do know we are putting in 100a service from our main house box to the barn ( had some 10/2 powering the whole thing as they originally just wanted a few outlets and some lights.) we are putting in 2-2-2-4au we got enough of the mobile home feeder to go from house panel to barn and got a quote for $2,400 to have everything but the trenches done (we were gonna have to do that part still. ) after looking closer at how it was going to need to be in the basement to make code (consulted my bro in law that is a commercial electrician, and i wanted to be at least damn close to code just so that if something ever happened that there would be little issue with insurance ect. ) and looking at cost it was gonna cost marginally less to buy just the pvc conduit to run this wire in ( it is direct bury, which means anywhere it isnt in the ground it is supposed to be in conduit or similar). that we could get wire that could be exposed and would be about 1000x easier to run across the basement. so we ended up getting even more wire, we also decided that where the camper is going to be that we wanted power at the pole that is at the corner of the patio, and that the pole should be replaced, so we got that also.
and found this cool old beer hiding down there also, the new outlet and cover is were i was moving some things to prepare to run the wire and the outlet shorted out, so i had to move some things and replace that on the fly, and is when i found the beer.