looks good...it'll look damn good once the whole thing is dropped! why did you only do the rear? didnt have enough time to do the front?
I was about to start the front then decided not to because I didn't want to rush... plus my wife wanted us to take it out Saturday night
I'm a lucky man!
Lookin good Iwaslowr, I remember you were just about to get the wheel when the TF shut down.
I know I asked you this before, but not sure where. Can't you get pulled over for that dark of tint? Have you yet? Does Texas not have a tint law? Just curious as I have had several incounters with police with my older vehiles that had double limo
I had double limo on my previous vehicles and never had issues, just rolled the windows down when needed. Oddly enough I had more issues with a single layer of 20% and was actually ticketed after passing a parked State Trooper at 70 MPH!!!
Yes, Texas does have a tint law but I am not aware of the restrictions.
I actually was very modest with the Yukon's tint, the interior depth on top of the windshield being completely tinted is most likely why it appears to be so dark... I have been pulled over a few times but tint was not mentioned.