@Starkworks - Conduct a successful fast adapt relearn and take it for another test drive - that by itself may solve all the issues. If you do have to pull it back out and apart, do the following:
1. Replace all the bushings - do not reuse bushings in these transmissions, especially the pump stator and body bushings
2. Vacuum test the pump (not sure why you didn't test the pump with the valve body but you don't want to omit that step -
this video will show you specifically how to do it and what your readings should look like)
3. Record and share your clutch clearances, pump rotor/slide-to-deck clearance and end play measurement - this is one of the most critical aspects of any build and one of the most common things I see w/DIY builds is folks not recording clutch clearances and end play measurements
- If your clearances are too tight, you will have partial tie-ups/bind-ups upon shifting - these, like all clutch-to-clutch transmissions, are sensitive to clearances
4. Air check all applied elements to confirm everything is working as it should
5. Take pictures as you go - don't skimp on this step as they may help you after the fact - ask me how I know!
6. If all of the above is done and you still have the same problems, replace the TEHCM - a brand new one from General Motors will run ~$1,050 plus core and programming.
- Sonnax reman TEHCMs are $550-$600 plus core and programming
- Street Smart Transmissions remans are $550-$650 w/programming (you give them your VIN so they program it to your vehicle)