I have a 17 Suburban and have been using the dealer\GM recommended oil since I bought it. I haven't switched to mobile one or anything like that, even though I use Mobile 1 strictly in my TA.
While various name brands of oil, blends, and weights may make a small difference, the INTERVALS between oil changes are going to make more of difference in engine cleanliness, performance, and longevity than any "specially blended" oil.
My truck get an oil change every 3k miles like its religion. All my fluids are changed at "extreme" intervals. Its at 108k miles, 60k of that with a Whipple pushing 8lbs of boost, a Circle D torque converter, and many miles of hard driving and racing...and there isn't a spec of metal in either the oil or trans fluid.
No ticks, no collapsed lifters, no trans shutters. Everything is running in top shape. I truly believe its cause the intervals between fluid changes\maintenance is a lot shorter than the typical owner.