3000 Order Accepted by Production Control
3100 Order Available to Sequence
3300 Order Selected and scheduled by Assembly Plant (Target Production Week usually available now)
3400 Order broadcasted (in the assembly plant production system), build process is underway and locked in sequence to the end of the line.
3800 Vehicle Produced, it’s come off the production line. VIN now available.
4000 Vehicle Available to Ship
4104 Bailment Invoice Created (Shipping doc’s)
4B00 Bayed (“B”, not 8) Parked waiting on transportation
4D00 Bayed for Quality Control (unknown time period)
4106 Bailment Released (Rc’vd by Transport Co.)
4150 Vehicle Invoiced to Dealer
4200 Vehicle Shipped (In Transit)
4300 Intermediate Delivery by truck (off-site rail head, up-fitter, etc )
4V03 Estimated Delivery Date
4800 Rail Ramp Unload, at the final distribution center. Delivered by truck to dealer
5000 Vehicle Delivered to Dealer
6000 Vehicle Delivered to Customer (or dealer reported sale to GM)
9000 Order Cancelled