No need to replace them just clean them that fixes those 80% of the time you need to deal with the power short on the Throttle sensorSo if the battery test isn’t reliable how do I determine if the battery is good or bad ?
You know what I’ll buy a new battery & new positive & negative battery cables. Can’t hurt.
What’s everyone running battery wise ?
I’ll get AC delco cables but not sure of the brand of battery.
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a load test with a toaster type battery tester those put a heavy load to the battery to test it.. the new electronic testers are rigged so they can avoid warranty replacements...
but the poor mans test is the turn it to "ACC on" and see if the headlights lights dim when you Roll all 4 windows at the same time( with the A/C fan on high)
there should be No to very little dimming no speed changes in the windows going down
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