Frozen park brake is usually because of age and crud in the outer cable casings or a kink or punch. Or hardware sticking.
That may very well be true. It would only freeze up when the temperatures dropped below freezing. I mashed a whole pile of grease into where the parking brake lever goes into the backing plate and that seemed to keep it from freezing up this winter. I figured that the boot had torn over the years, allowing crud, as you say, into the inner hardware, hence the reason for me replacing the boot and related hardware. What I did not know until a couple of days ago was that the backing plate had to be loosened by removing the four bolts. After that, I discovered that the backing plate has tabs that are bent over the heavier metal caliper mounting piece (the GM factory service manual doesn't give it a specific name, AFAIK). I'm not sure if I will be able to bend the tabs back, and with the vehicle in my garage I don't have room to pull the axles to replace the backing plate with the one piece backing plate. I have the 2 piece coming Monday and I will consider using that if necessary. I've already read the comments regarding the 2 piece backing plate, (and I can predict your comments Ron!), but if this truly doesn't work out I can pull the axles at a later date and replace the backing plates with proper GM ones.
Other comments I've read about the 2 piece backing plates seem to be if you install them correctly and bend the tabs right, they install just fine. We'll see. As I said, if I have to I can replace them with GM ones later if I need.