Here a few pics, I will download more shortly. Bought it from my brother-in-law in August. It's stock but mods I have scheduled in the next two weeks are. Vette servo(next week), drop in k&n putting on tomorrow(getting CAI when I can get a BB tune scheduled), window tint and alarm.
Next year 20" wheels, however i just heard from an uncle who works for discount tire and he has a quote of $1,074(probably nothing special at this price) for 22's with tires installed. Don't have details of the brand yet but will tomorrow, told him that will be the last mod I do. In DFW hoe's and kons are 2of the top 5 vehicles stolen as reported last week. A buddy at work has his 02hoe sitting on factory wheels after having his stolen and his 22's taken. He's getting the same alarm as me next week. More pictures to come. Give me your feedback, thanks my TYF bros.
Next year 20" wheels, however i just heard from an uncle who works for discount tire and he has a quote of $1,074(probably nothing special at this price) for 22's with tires installed. Don't have details of the brand yet but will tomorrow, told him that will be the last mod I do. In DFW hoe's and kons are 2of the top 5 vehicles stolen as reported last week. A buddy at work has his 02hoe sitting on factory wheels after having his stolen and his 22's taken. He's getting the same alarm as me next week. More pictures to come. Give me your feedback, thanks my TYF bros.