Use a water hose to find a vacuum leak, small stream that you can aim and pinpoint a leak. If the engine stumbles, stop the flow, let the water drain off a bit and start the flow again where you just were. You have just found your vac leak. Leave it running a little while after wetting it down.
Before any one says something about using a water hose, been doing it for 15 years and learned it from a guy that did it for 30 years. Dont wet it down from grill to windshield, keep it off the exhaust manifolds as best you can, out of the alternator, fairly easy.
Before any one says something about using a water hose, been doing it for 15 years and learned it from a guy that did it for 30 years. Dont wet it down from grill to windshield, keep it off the exhaust manifolds as best you can, out of the alternator, fairly easy.