So I ran live scan on O2 sensor. It's reading just fine
so the idea is exhaust leaks before the o2 suck air in, and even thou the o2 shows switching, that's the ecm believing what it's told, even thou what it's being told is off because of the extra o2 coming from the leak. the ecm doesn't know that and will do everything it can to make the a/f swing believing the o2 signal, it doesn't really know anything is wrong till you get so far out that it hits a hard limit, something like plus or minus 20% adjustments before it thinks something is wrong and throws a code. that condition might not hit at idle, but it could under a different driving condition.
or the leak isn't big enough to really hurt anything, you have a different problem but won't really know till trouble shooting leads you there. along the way, you fixed the leak to rule it out.