Rubbing alcohol removes the chrome plating from plastic. You could get a bow tie stencil in the size you like, such as having a vinyl shop cut one out, and you use the sheet around it rather than the actual bowtie (stick the bowtie somewhere else- steering wheel?). Anyway, position the stencil, mask off all around it, rub some alcohol on it to remove the chrome, then paint it.
Additional idea: You could use the cutout bow tie as a mock-up to place around the chrome to see how you like it.
I've never tried to remove the chrome from inside a headlight, but I know that I have read about guys using various different chemicals to remove the chrome from plastic, including lye.
When I have painted chrome in the past I have sand blasted and used a self etching primer before painting. Obviously sand blasting would be a bit much in this case.
I am still debating on having the lenses etched. There is a guy local to me that has a laser engraver and he has done projector lenses before. The trouble is the possibilities are endless and I have trouble narrowing down what I would want.
I think I will probably go with my old tried and true "sometimes less is more" thinking and keep it simple.... maybe... lol
I have always liked "OEM+" type of mods, you know the ones where people look at it and think to themselves "Was that a factory option I didn't know about or forgot to order?"