What hair I had…I still have after round 3 of chemo. It’s not falling out. Nor am I feeling ill at all. 100% of my energy, no nausea, nothing adverse except a tiny bit of tinnitus that is hopefully temporary. I wouldn’t mind losing my chest hair, etc. but that doesn’t look like it’s happening, I read that if it hasn’t happened by now, it probably wont. Every round of chemo, I can feel a tiny bit of uneasiness right after the 3 days of infusions but then nothing for the next 2 weeks. Then the cycle starts over. I’ve been walking 4 miles a day now- 2 miles at 6:30 AM in the dark and freezing, then a mile at noon and a mile after dinner. I’ve honestly never felt better in my life, and I’m on a hard-core chemo regimen of Cisplatin plus Etopisode so I must be doing something right! I am definitely eating right. I bought a complete new kitchen suite with a new induction range with built-in air fryer and I have discovered cooking healthy. Most of my groceries were in boxes before, now there might be one box( brownies) in the whole cart otherwise it’s all made from scratch including sauces etc. And I splurged on a 98” Samsung TV as well as a new Denon 13.2 surround system with 6 Klipsch Dolby Atmos tower speakers that fire the second set on each up and off the ceiling without having to run wires into the actual ceiling. The Denon is the flagship model that’s still made in Japan, in a plant where that’s the only thing they make. It’s nice. A new Fluent turntable rounds it out. I figured if not now, then when? The TV upgrade is super nice too. Man it was a bear to hang, and it’s 1/8” out of level but it will have too stay that way for now.

And if you notice a dent in the side of the new fridge freezer door- that is being handled by Best Buy. They have now sent no less that 4 new refrigerators to my house besides the original. and every one had the same defect so they are now ordering doors until they find one that isn’t fu*ked up.