My squeak (in a 2011 Av 5.3) turned out to be a stuck lifter ROLLER. Gad. Wiped out the cam. Took off the heads and discovered #8 cylinder was so far out of round the rings weren't even touching the back side of the bore.
Always wondered why the oil got so dirty so fast.
One would think that it would be misfiring, or be down on power, but I raced a buddy's nearly identical truck, and both were the same. Go figure.
Bought an L96 6.0 for it. Plus a shit-ton of other parts - billet converter, cam, studs, etc. etc. Don't ask me how it runs. It's been sitting for 5 years now - the 6.0 is still on the engine stand. Other priorities.
I hope I can remember where everything came from - assuming I ever get around to finishing it, that is...