So how has it been now that you've had it for several months? Definitely looking to have one installed and you make the dealer route sound really appealing!
I’ve had the kit for several months now and found it very enjoyable.
I’ve heard of other people unhappy with it, but I’ve found most of them to be a bit younger and/or having the wrong expectation as to what the kit provides.
If you’re looking for a quality, non space taking, well balanced addition to the low end “umph” then I’d highly recommend it. Depending on the frequency range of the music your listening to, it can at times shake the mirror a bit but it’s not your shake the 6 cars around you kind of bass.
As long as you understand what you’re adding to the soundscape it’s a perfect match in my opinion. I will also say that I am pretty sure that Bose and Kicker spent some time on the EQ, I wouldn’t quite say the timbre matches perfectly but it sounds like at least some effort was made.
If anyone is in the Dallas Fort Worth area and wants to listen before you buy, PM me. Happy to meet up with new people!
There is my $0.02