I think the gauge face I bought only works to 02'??? could be wrong, but they sell gauge faces for your year for sure. As for customizing the rest of it, it's all up to you. You could do whatever you like or think looks good to your gauge cluster. This was just to show what I did, and what can be done without having to fully replace the whole gauge cluster and spend a bit of money doing it. My custom gauge cluster is didn't cost me much to do, mostly just time and injuniuty(tired might have spelt that wrong.LOL). But ya, can be done to whatever year if you got the time, skill and alittle DIY creativity. I like to make my own things, my own way, alittle different from the rest. Which of course anymore these days is tough to do, but just go at it, make it the way you want and would like to look at everyday.
Sorry for the HOORAH speech everyone!!! LOL