Update on this, as i do not drive the vehicle as often. It is for the wife as she described it to me. now that i have driven it over the past couple of days, i have came to the final conclusion that it is something with the transmission, vibrations and or shudder happens more towards middle/backend of the truck. it is a shuddering/hesitation in gear shifts at highway speeds, sometimes at slower speeds. From all the reading and research i have found. I believe now it is likely the Torque converter shudder i've read so much about. I am bringing it to the dealer on Feb 12th. I almost want to try and do a full flush and filter, and install that updated thermal bypass valve to moderate trans temp. Ive noticed it also becomes more noticable when the trans heats up to operating temp, at least what i believe to be operating temp as the LTZ does'nt seem to have an info display on trans temp. Will keep y'all updated after the dealer. Have a feeling dealer is gonna try and stroke me. Just hope if it is close to catastrophic failure they will uphold the extended 100k "bumper to bumper" warranty they sold to me upon purchase of the vehicle last month.