Update - I replaced the TB with a new Hitachi that I purchased off EBay for $105.00. I also cleaned the MF sensor while I was at it and replaced the air filter.
It fired right up, I let it idle for 2-3 minutes and shut it off, restarted it and let it idle again for 2-3 minutes and then restarted again. The idle speed was about 1,000 each time. I then took it for a drive, it drove much better, no hesitation and was more responsive. NO engine lights on.
At at stop it would idle at about a 1,000, then drop to approx 650 -700. I drove it around normal city driving, jumped on the freeway drove about 65 for about 7-8 miles and got off and drove back through own. Stopped at O'reilly's and when I put it park it shot up to 2,500-3,000, shut it down and had the guy come out and check codes and clear any present (still no engine lights) he check and there were no codes present. Started it back up and it shot up to 3,000.
Drove it around another 10-15 miles in town. Stopped several times and restarted it and it shot up to 2,500 and then climbed to 3,000. Kept driving and at stop lights it would drop to 1,000, then to around 600ish.
When home pull in the garage, put it park and it only rose to about 1,200. I restarted it and it then shot back up to 2,500. I shut it down and haven't driven it anymore today.
I assume this is going to take some time (more miles) - or is there a routine I should be doing to expedite the process?