with me being a large guy, 6'6 260 ish i figure its best to not get the tar beat out of me for acting a fool. so i just comply 100% lol if im so drunk i dont know what im doing, im already passed out. that window of really Fuuuuuckkkked up never lasted long enough to get myself in a jam.
i quit drinking back in like 03 i think, for no other reason but i was tired of feeling like crap till Wednesday every week then do it all over again. 300 dollar bar bills over the weekends didnt hurt this decision either.
years later having no tolerance to booze at all now, my friends like try my dads home made wine from 1984. he pours me like a inch in a glass. i drank it and passed out 20 minutes later, pretty sure this stuff would have taken a flame. it made your eyes water when you smelled the glass.