So I’ve replaced both mirrors on the Yukon at one time or another. The driver side was shot when I bought it. Now, the passenger side has several LEDs out, and I’m looking for a better replacement. Looking on RA, they have quite a variety, but the ones that would be correct are $150-200, and still not OEM. Does anyone have suggestions, or a part number..? I’m guessing the OEM is no longer made / available. It has heat, turn indicator, and auto-darkening.
ok, so OEM is available, for $300+… I don’t think I want to spend that on a damn side mirror, but I do want all the original features. Most aftermarket ones are not auto-darkening.
So I’ll edit my request.. lol. Looks like the OEM part is: 88944392, which has heat, turn indicator and auto-darkening.
Does anyone have a decent aftermarket replacement that has these features, and you’re happy with it? I replaced this one probably about 18 months ago, maybe less, and the LEDs are already going out