Two new front Denso Oxygen sensors
ACD 41-110 plugs with new Wires
I'm also trying to mount the Amazon oil catch can I bought over a year ago but looks like a trip to hardware store will be needed. Last week my CEL came in for the front O2s so I did both of them for good measure. I had the plugs sitting in tool box over 9 months also so I figure it was time. Boy that passenger rear plug is a jerk!! I removed the oil dip stick for more clearance and she came out easy.
The simple solution to the #8 spark plug access:
Tahoe #8 Spark Plug access
@Rocket Man came up with a great way to remove it. Use a long enough deep 5/8" socket, not a spark plug socket, and a 3/8" ratchet and it works. If you have a deep 5/8" 1/4'' drive socket that you can use with a 1/4" ratchet and break loose, that works too. I have a 1/4" breaker bar to break it...