To make a long sotry short : money. Lack of money to be precise.
We have a technical inspection every two years and it failed in 2018.
The amount of money I needed seemed so huge I parked the Thaoe and start commute with my '93 Mazda MX6 that did the job (and still does).
The company who installed the LPG system back in 2003 unsoldered the LED for the check engine warning light because they did not know how to turn it off once the LPG is running. It wasn't an issue before but they made this inspection more and more harder to pass every year. I knew I had to change the instrument cluster and could only do it this spring when I had extra money from my boss.
Plus I had to change rear brake shoes, front steering box with both steering box and idler arms, all O2 sensors, a rear missing fog light and check for a oil leak. Monday morning, if finally passes the inspection. It was my then 3rd rendez-vous. I'm quiet for 2 years now.
I bought parts on Rockauto only. Though shipping is around €100 each time (I always use FedEx as I don't see the point to lose 1 month just to save 10-15 bucks), and I don't get "core" money back as parts are so heavy it will cost me more to ship them back than to keep 'em.
I should thanks my mechanics who is very nice. He let me come with my parts. that is rare.
It's now 2 days I'm driving it 40mi per day and enjoying it.