Hope everyone had a great Christmas! Been kinda busy and haven't posted much, but have done a lot to the Tahoe. Finally bit the bullet and purchased a Blackbear tune, front and rear pads and rotors, steering box (didn't fix the inch of play in steering wheel). Along with a t-stat and coolant temp sensor yesterday. It was weird timing that the fans seem to all of the sudden be blasting away after the tune. But once I sent them a follow up log (all data was good). They suggested it could be a t-stat. Then I thought, since I am already working in the area, let's do the valve cover gaskets since they were failing. Of course, my wife's Tahoe didn't have the petcock valve, so I had to remove bottom hose. Fans aren't running now, yes! Even have cold and heat coming from passenger side vents for now. Another item on the list is the blend motor behind vent...