Just Fishing
Can't fix stupid
Aww schit man. Sorry…
Uh, that sucks. Didn't you have a similar problem with the previous engine?
Ah shoot.
Sorry I missed the bad news first time though.
You are a better man than I, I would be fit to be tied right now.
Yup, nearly the same thing with the last engine.
I don't know what the fk.
I just hope it's not a rear cam bearing again.
I can hear slightly what might be a rod type bearing.
i thought it was lifter before, now that i have the geometry pretty good, i think what i have been hearing is a rod related issue.\
I do recall when i think i sucked the pan dry during engine break-in, while going down a hill in tow mode.
tow mode decided it wanted to run @ 4k + rpm for engine breaking.
I saw the pressure gauge flutter.
if i find a rod bearing, i'm installing a non high flow pump while it's apart.
if it's a rod end bushing, then the machine shop fkd me when they told me they were fine.
If everything is fine, then the engine is coming out and apart.
get this done before metal makes it past the filter.

Also makes me glad i went all **** with the oil filter changes and opening them to see contents.