very well could. be a centering thing.
I just always figured heating it up ebout to press the nylon or epoxy whatever out or these days with impacts so strong just hammering on the the big c clamp looking press tweaks the ears or something.
I think you're right, most people wouldn't notice it, but also. if that was a younger tech, I bet he's never. changed u joints in that dealer before. they kinda just don't fail like they used to. when I was first under mine I yanked on it and didn't see any play. I'm not touching it till it falls out. or at least I hope I see or feel the vibration before it falls out haha.
funny I did finally throw a drive shaft on that old car. next to a buddy 3rd gear on the spray hopping the front end up like kids dumb will do with their first kit, it tore one of those thin straps and came out the rear yoke. made a hell of a noise, damaged the floor board and got caught up above the torque arm and the floor board. showering my friends behind me in needle bearings. didn't make it to the races that night haha.