I got those recently for my wife's car.
I learned with every vehicle when i need to buy pads, it's autozone and i buy the best they have.
since i keep cars until they die, it's a good investment.
they didn't have the rears instock, so i got the next line down for those.
we were leaving for a long road trip, so it was more urgent than anything else.
I wasn't sold on the whole "copper free" thing, to me it seems like more about environment vs performance.
But, I absolutely love those pads over the stock ones she had.
and the front wheels aren't showing any real signs of brake dust.
wife likes to drag her brakes going down hills and can warp rotors...
The rear wheels are pretty brake dusty.
I wish i could have taken more time and either found a store with them in stock, or ordered them in.
we were pretty much leaving for the trip the next day, and i was focused on getting the brake pedal firm after flushing the fluid and having a spongy pedal afterwards.
Oh and tech 2 abs bleed, worth every penny for that tool.
So far the trick seems to be, normal flush until fluid is clear.
then break out the tech2 for an ABS bleed with the same vac tool connected.
and the Tahoe is going to get the same pads once it's time.