It seems you drive you vehicle very differently than many of us here in the USA. There are few places people can drive constantly at 90-105 MPH on the highway without being quickly followed up by traffic enforcement and at these speeds you can and will lose your drivers license and the insurance prices may increase and/or you may be canceled. I woudl say most drivers in the US depending on the local posted speed limit may only travel 5-10 MPH higer than than the posted speed. So this typically at most wil be maybe 80 MPH, more often I would expect the "Average" speed most are traveling on the US roads is between 65-75 MPH because many Interstate posted speed limits are 55-65 MPH, some are higher but it is more "State" dependant as there is really only a "National" 55 MPH mininum speed limit these days. Many years ago, the US had a "National" 55 MPH speed limit maximum.
So this being said, a the engine RPM you are operating at is in a better range with less low RPM "lugging". Additionally with the higher RPM and oil temperatures you are likely burning off any fuel contamination in the oil.
I also assume at these speeds and higher RPM that the DFM may be less likely to function unless you have it bypassed. Would also be interesting to see if you are triggering the 2nd stage in the oil pump on a regular basis at these speeds.
Do you typicaly use Trailer Towing mode when you drive at these speeds or when you are towing your trailer?
I also recall you mentioned that you had no problem getting Premium fuel in Russia, is this correct and what Octane rating is typically available?
Do you have any data for these 90-105 MPH drives that you can share?