***CAUTION*** I do my own stunts!
My Esky fob with custom Masonic emblem on the back....

On my '08 Burb you can program the fobs without any outside help, like a Tech2... but the 2010 or 2011 and up requires a dealer or locksmith or a Tech2 to program.
I personally feel like the Esky fobs are more durable and have better range than the original fobs.
The Esky fobs can be had on Ebay for around $20-$25.

On my '08 Burb you can program the fobs without any outside help, like a Tech2... but the 2010 or 2011 and up requires a dealer or locksmith or a Tech2 to program.
I personally feel like the Esky fobs are more durable and have better range than the original fobs.
The Esky fobs can be had on Ebay for around $20-$25.