peace of mind knowing I'm putting the best quality stuff in my vehicle possible...
why get an Escalade over a Tahoe? Just better quality...
whether I see a difference or not, its nice to know Im using the best quality possible for a mere $5
I also only use Royal Purple Oil...which is why Im 15k miles past due...and theres no issues... (and yea...even with RP, I shoulda changed it 10k ago)
Just waisting money bro. Higher octaine fuel does NOTHING for you without a high compression motor
$5 is not a waste of money...$5 is a joke lol....Im sure you piss out more then $5 of beer per week..
you wont get knocking as easy with 91..thats for sure...
plus, I'm tuned for 91 I have to run it now
And the Escalade has a higher compression engine then the Yukon/Tahoe