Mike i have to say you're confusing me further ... two posts ago you say that you're not sure if the Trinity or Intune have TCM support for trucks but now you say that you have TCM tuning on your truck.
Nevertheless, I'm trying to get to a practical comparison of the two products ...as a layperson with no horse in this race, this is what I gather.
1. This conversation is mute for Cali residents where both the Trinity and Intune are illegal.
2. Can't compare 'canned' tunes to custom tunes. So if the choice is between any canned tune and a custom tune by a qualified professional, the latter is always is always preferable.
3. Intuitiveness of programming is nice but not really relevant. This is because no layperson such as myself should really ever try to tune their own ride, for any mistake may have grave consequences. So ultimately, a qualified/experienced tuner, with no history of 'bricking' vehicles, is the only one who should be trusted to custom tune a vehicle, no matter what software/hardware they choose to use.
4. You use DS company tuners, and you mention Diablew ... if I remember correctly I read somewhere that Diablew won't touch supercharged, cam, and other heavily modified vehicles. Is this true and if so, why not? What I'm trying to decipher here is if the reason he doesn't is in DS software/hardware limitations, or his own inability to do so. And if it's the latter, why not? Cause BB has no issues tuning these types of vehicles successfully.
I have other questions, both rhetorical and literal, but I'll stop here.
To me, and again I'm just an end user (not a person who doesn't work for a company but kinda does), it's really a no brainer. I can have a canned tune, an emailed custom tune from someone like Diablew who's capabilities are self admittedly limited, or, for about half the price or less, I can have Blackbear meet me
in person, log my truck whilst I drive it, tune it to my personal needs and driving preferences, adjust it right there if there's something I don't like or want changed, always there with excellent customer support ... and if I want an Autocal to store my tunes I can also buy that and still come in about $150 less than a Diablew Trinity mail order tune.
I've been looking to find an impartial review of someone who has had in person tunes on one of these GM SUVs/pickups by both BB and DS, but I have been unsuccessful ... that would be the only like for like comparison to form an opinion on, short of finding someone who's had both done and cataloging the reasons why they prefer DS, everything points to Blackbear.
I'm actually not knocking the DS, from what i gather it's got the best of the canned tunes which is plenty enough for most people's needs, and it's got the ability to be custom programmed, I just have yet to find a review of a person who prefers his custom DS tune to his BB one ... but I'm surely open minded should the info manifest.
Heck, if I wasn't fortunate enough to register on this forum I'd probably be rolling with a DS Trinity canned tune having paid more for it than an in person BB tune with Autocal.
22 cents.