Well I've pulled every fuse I can think of, still whines. Replaced all ground cables, still whines. Tried a 145 amp alternator, still whines. Tried a 250 amp alternator, still whines. Gratuitously sprayed electronic cleaner on all contacts I could find, still whines. Replaced battery charging cable, still whines. Local mechanic can't figure it out. Dealership can't figure it out. I give up. Any other ideas?
Does the whine change when you disconnect the plug and the voltage drops down?
Does the whine change when you turn ON EVERYTHING... High beams, seat heaters, rear defroster, front and rear blower motors on high, ETC. ???
My next suggestion would be to lift the fuse box under the hood by flipping the gray handles up/In and lifting it up exposing all the connections and spray them all down with contact cleaner and letting it dry and then put some dielectric grease on them and reseat the fuse box and see what happens.
It sounds like the ECM, or whatever controls the charging rate, is telling the alternator to charge continually. Or perhaps a bad diode in the alternator, although this seems less likely since you have swapped alternators several times.
When you disconnect the sensor around the ground cable by the battery does that change the sound OR the voltage output? If not perhaps this sensor is bad and is calling for charging all the time, like when it is unplugged.