honestly if the shtf 90% of us will perish within a year, the older I get the more I realize this to be true, with no widespread electrical power or gasoline reserves that right there alone puts the bullet in the gun so to say, unless you have the capability to 1. protect yourself (have food stored) and can hide from the initial onslaught of savagery and the few years of it afterwards. 2. the ability grow your own food supply and protect it from marauders. 3. have the knowledge to know and the (ability to acquire) that you also need basics like salt and other essential minerals to remain healthy. 4. even if you could manage to remain alive a few more years the future would be very bleak it would take decades or more to rebuild any resemblance of a civilized society.
regarding any vehicle to escape? good freaking luck, just think of the simple day to day traffic and then multiply that times 400, your escape breaks down a motorcycle or bicycle to get anywhere or walking away. because every road/highway/ditch/crevice will be jammed with cars
at the very best if something (anything-an act of GOD) disabled the global electrical grid/food/fuel supply, it's an instant return to the early 1800's, only non power tools would be useful at all and other mechanical devices like bicycles etc. no more mass processed foods, if you have the skills and supplies (like sugar-very unlikely) to can/preserve food's to save for the winter you might not starve.
I could go on, the bottom line it's a nightmare and you will probably die soon for a great variety of reasons.