...so proposed order is awaiting judge to sign-off...
Still not sure what happens at the final hearing... I guess I'll find out in due time.
Basically 1 phone call a day, time limited to 10 mins at 5pm.
Even years, she gets Thanksgiving, starting when school recesses and I get XMAS...
Odd years it reverses.
There is nothing for summer break at this time or anything else.
She can't even follow a phone call at this point. Refusing to answer and then trying to get me to do a video call, so she can do that when our daughter is with me. In the future I might allow that but she's trying to control our daughter.
Our daughter is 5 and she doesn't know always what to say on the phone and she looks to me when she doesn't know what to say...
Her mother gives her a hard time telling her to stop looking away etc, when she's just 5... she doesn't remember what she had to eat or what she did sometimes or she just wants me to explain to her mother, but I can't talk to her. Then if my daughter doesn't speak, because well, she's 5 and she doesn't always talk, she says did someone say you can't talk... daddy can't tell you not to talk.
Which is sad, and I can't control what she does, but my lawyer did say I can immediately end those calls. It's frustrating because I want her to talk to her mother...she's done other things like lie to her and say she's picking her up earlier in the week, and just being condescending to me while trying to act like she's being nice.
My lawyer said follow the order and don't accept calls outside of the window or let calls go well past 10 mins.. i.e. 15 is fine, 20+... shouldn't be happening at this point.
The point is to give our child structure, routine and to understand she needs to listen to her parents. She listens to me, but the other half is trying to give her a phone to use as she pleases, which is super frustrating as she's trying to make me look like I'm the bad person who won't allow her to use a phone to call when she wants. It will be OK....she will be with me for almost the next 2 weeks. =)
She's already back to the routine I had for her months ago and she's acting more and more like a normal 5 year old!