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  1. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    yeah that would be ideal, but i think there are about 5 or 6 different modules in out trucks that all communicate with the PCM. So I'm not sure what effect, if any, that would have if you bypass it.
  2. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    So this week has been a disaster trying to get the hoe started. Everyday I had at least one difficult time starting it, and I even had to get a ride home from work one day. Met a guy through a friend of a friend of a friend, who was a GM mechanic for 30 years. He came over and hooked up his...
  3. MetalStorm


    I've got a 99.....and I don't see it as a waste a money since they offer a 100% money back guarantee.
  4. MetalStorm


    I have read all the praise in the threads here about Black Bear, and I am 99% sure I will have one done, but I am exploring all options. Anyone familiar with
  5. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    Thats a good question and I never really thought of that. But I could see a sensor or ignition switch going bad before a key would. That is, if a key CAN go bad. I'll look into that.
  6. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    Sounds like your problem might be of a different type. The issue we are having the motor would crank but would not get any fuel. I did a little networking, and through a friend of a friend I obtained from GM a step by step and diagram of the passlock sensor replacement and PCM re-learn...
  7. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    so I guess I spoke too soon. I went about a week and a half with no starting problems. Then today it wouldn't start. So I turned the key to the on position and left it there. The "security" light went off after 4 minutes, and I turned the key and it started right up. So what do you think...
  8. MetalStorm

    AC Blower Speed

    Nikel, please post are always good! I have a similar problem as well, but what is even more frustrating for me is that the rear A/C on my 99 4 door blows good cold air, but the front blows warm and not strong. Blower soudns like it is blowing hard, but you hardly feel it sitting in...
  9. MetalStorm

    ((((( i need help!!!))))))))

    is it coming from a speaker?
  10. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    I haven't had any starting issues since the work I did that I mentioned earlier. Its been about a week now. The first thing I will do is pull the ignition switch and passlock sensor the next time it happens.
  11. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    I didn't have a chance to tear my column apart today, but i will definitely keep you informed as to what I find this week. I would have no problem bypassing the security as I have never even had the remote for it.
  12. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    2 things.... 1. what is the passlock sensor and where is it? 2. now that you mention the security dash light, i remember mine did come on once or twice and then it went away. don't remember how i got it to turn off though. OK I just found a thread on Chevrolet Forum...
  13. MetalStorm

    starting issues

    Dude I am in the midst of dealin with the same type of issue on my 99 4 door, 169,000 miles and it is incredibly frustrating. You'll see these threads pop up once in a while and there always seems to be different solutions for each of them. The part that sucks is that the truck will run...
  14. MetalStorm

    Post signatures....

    Just a test.....i placed a pic in my signature and wanted to see if it worked. How do i make it bigger?
  15. MetalStorm

    Need replacement body panels NY rust

    True hamma
  16. MetalStorm

    Need replacement body panels NY rust

    +2 on LMC...NY here as well
  17. MetalStorm

    Spark plugs>!>?

    Autolite Double 'em
  18. MetalStorm

    where does seafoam go

    Yeah I kinda figured that. I bought the truck 3 years ago with a bout 145,000 highway miles, and since then I have put on almost 25,000 NYC/Long Island miles. Even still, 169,000 is STILL 169,000 miles! Ya can't tell me there's no carbon in there! I'm just gonna have to monitoring the mpg's...
  19. MetalStorm

    where does seafoam go

    Just Sea Foamed for the first time, 169,000 miles. Brake booster vacuum line, gas tank, and crank case. Not all that impressed. I got one good puff of smoke as I was dumping it in the vacuum hose, and very briefly when I restarted it after 25 minutes and then put about 30 miles on.
  20. MetalStorm

    Sea foam???

    yeah i'm a little skeptical about putting it in my crankcase as well. doesn't seem to be a definitive answer on when to change the oil after seafoaming. i have a can i'm just sort of monitoring everyone's results before i dump it in. thinking of just doing gas tank on my 99.
  21. MetalStorm

    Center Console

    4 door? ---------- Post added at 09:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 AM ---------- my bad....just saw your screen name lol. what do you have for a console right now?
  22. MetalStorm

    Spectre CAI?

    It really seems simple to fabricate a CAI or "smooth air" intake yourself. Any thoughts on just losing the flexible plastic pipe from the throttle body to the MAF sensor with aluminum duct? add a decent filter to the stock box and maybe cut open the side of the box facing the fender to open it...
  23. MetalStorm

    Ditributor replacement----help

    thats some great info, thanks guys. when i take out the old one do i mark the rotor position? sorry to be a PITA
  24. MetalStorm

    Ditributor replacement----help

    do i NEED to have #1 at TDC? if so how do i do this?
  25. MetalStorm

    Bumper fabrication???

    ok great....thanks bro

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