I need to spec out rebuild parts and or just buy a kit. Any suggestions?
- Case saver
- Case vent elbow
- Not sure if clutches wear out? They are cheap though
- The clutch fork plastic lip deal (I want one that goes over whole end of fork)
- Shaft seals
- Shaft bearings? There is ZERO perceivable play in the input and output shafts.
- Chain? I assume some slack is normal not sure what spec is though to check if I need a new one
- Planetary gear set - Considering buying the 6 pinion. Isn't too expensive.
- Rebuild / gears for encoder motor?
Allstate Gear carries parts for New Process 246 transfer cases used in both GM and Dodge trucks built in the 2000s. We also have individual Dodge and GM 246 transfer case parts, so you can fix small problems without doing a complete rebuild
Im guessing the Tcase is all original and was in a 2001? Replace all bearings, seals, Auto clutches, chain, fork lip and any hard parts that fail inspection. Makes no sense to replace a little of this and that for something like a bearing or chain to fail and destroy your Tcase. Do it once and be done for a long time. I always replace the Auto clutches on a Tcase that is well used. Be sure to soak all the clutches in autotrac fluid overnight before assembly!
Harbor Freight has cheap bearing and seal drivers. You will also need a set of internal/external snapring pliers with extended reach(nose). Thats about it for "special tools".
You run into any questions feel free to ask us anytime. There are tons of youtube videos on the 246 case disassembly/reassembly and most of them are pretty good. Dont let the Tcase intimidate you. There really is not alot to them. They sure arent anything to the level of a transmission and not near as many parts.
Just take your time and dont be in a hurry.