that's good. ugh
do you happen to know what year the update was for? mines an 11. I wonder if I need it
it was a service bulletin/memo and it was released 2010 if I remember correctly that said it was a free reprogramming of the transmission until 2011 at some point. Are you the original owner? Asking because my roommate has a 2016 Cruze but it looks like a 17 and has some shit from the 14-16 or something which confuses me to no end because he can’t even get the right parts half the time. That being said depending on the point in the fiscal calendar GM is on may mean you could use it too or not. Chevy actually called me back last night at 5:55pm surprisingly enough to tell me they can scan my vin and run the update/adapts reset for everything. Total will be $199.95 (no sales tax in Oregon). But also spoke to a mobile mechanic that has tech2 and GM software updated, and we will negotiate goods and services today.
On a side note, I read on the install sheet that the torque damper (or input shaft) needs to “spin freely”….
My current issue is after the back half of the case was done it “spun freely” but with a solid amount of effort compared to a gas transmission from my experience and research. I thought this is because of the electric motor magnet and coil causing resistance. After installing the front half and 1st drive motor specifically, I gave it a turn and it was exponentially more difficult. The motors are supposed to work opposite of each other to improve ride quality/stability/efficiency. But being an over analyzing and in this case extra careful being, i immediately began self doubt that everything has been done correctly. Ie. I woke up today thinking “did I put the bearing on the main drive in the correct spot for what it should be engaging and the extra motor with reverse actuation is causing the resistance, or am I running two assemblies together that need a bearing?” To my dismay, I’m 95% certain I did it right but do not want to take a 5% risk on something already to be predicted 50/50 so I’ll be opening it back up this morning and taking a look. I spoke to the owner of an all hybrid transmission shop here in Portland and he seems to think I probably did it right because the magnets and coil of a smaller blade unit in a Prius (or other hybrids they work on where part numbers are supported) will not “move freely” by hand especially if they work in reverse of each other, let alone solo.