My 07 Yukon 5.3 has around 190k on it. It really burns oil towing, and it burns more than enough just commuting to work. I recently installed a catch can and a Range AFM disabler. I started tracking my oil consumption pretty closely, and turning off the AFM certainly did not cure my problem. I need more data to say for sure if it even improved. I burned 16oz in about 1100 miles before the Range module, and I've burned 14oz in the last 900 miles with the range module. Some of that 900 was towing, so it may be somewhat skewed data. I will continue to track it.
As for the catch can, it collects some oil and moisture, but I burn way more than the catch can catches. I still like having it on there.
As for MPG, I can say I lost 2mpg commuting with the range module. Without it, I get 18. With it on, I get 16. I do live in hilly country, and 4 cylinder mode must really help going down hills. My commute is almost all 55mph country roads. 20 miles each way with two stop signs and an occasional Amish buggy to go around. LOL.
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