Alright... this is just my $.02 and no offense to anyone, but I think I only saw 1 person on here even CONSIDER tires (and it only had to do with tread pattern). When you're on something like a bicycle, do you notice a difference between your mountain bike running at 35PSI with knobby tires compared to your road bike running at 110PSI with 1/3-1/4 of the overall tire contact area??? I think you'll notice a huge difference.
My opinion... get yourself a high load range tire that is rated to run @ 65PSI and run your tires at that! I would keep your tires you have now as your off-road tires and what not. For the new tires though, if you're in a smaller town, not much freeway driving, etc... then go closer to stock size aka 245's or 265's... it will improve your acceleration and you won't have to use as much throttle to get going. If you're not super worried about top end freeway speeds then it won't hurt you. If you drive 60 miles on the freeway every day, then 265's or 285's or whatever you should be fine (too big and you get into the whole wind resistance factors again). As long as you don't go too much over stock size, then the size won't matter as much as air pressure.